Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s work to improve health and strengthen local communities continued in 2013, as the company, its associates and corporate foundation directed more than $1.75 million and hundreds of volunteer hours to health-improving causes, organizations and programs in Wisconsin.
“Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is committed to transforming health care with trusted and caring solutions, and that extends directly to our work in communities throughout Wisconsin,” said Larry Schreiber, president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Wisconsin. “We’re proud to support the organizations and programs that are working to help our friends and neighbors live their healthiest lives possible.”
Through its State Health Index – a compilation of public health measures – and Healthy Generations grant program, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and its foundation work to identify the health issues most in need of attention and then direct charitable support and volunteer efforts toward improving those areas.
Major areas of focus for Anthem in 2013 included promoting active lifestyles and working to reduce the devastating impact of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease and lung disease on Wisconsin children, adults and seniors.
”With roots dating back to 1940, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has seen a lot of change,” said Schreiber. “What’s not changed is our commitment to serving our members and advancing health in Wisconsin. It is a true honor to work with so many great people and organizations and we look forward to doing so again in the year ahead.”
A summary of the company’s 2013 efforts follows. Additional information about Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s grants, events and sponsorships can be found on its Tumblr page at
Downloadable Infographic: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield 2013 Community Commitment
2013 Summary: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Community Commitment
National Grant Programs | Wisconsin communities benefit from open and active grant activity by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s parent company foundation tonational and regional organizations, including:
Wisconsin Grants | The following grants were awarded by the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation in 2013:
Community Events & Sponsorships | Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Wisconsin supported community events and causes working to improve health in the state, including:
Community Service Day | A company-wide Community Service Day was held on April 27 at five locations across the state:
Associate Giving Campaign | Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield associates’ contributions made through the Associate Giving Campaign are backed by a 50 percent match from the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation, bringing the total paid out in 2013 to more than $204,000.
The six charities in the 2012-2013 campaign were:
Informal Sponsorships & Giving | Informal charitable activities and donation drives organized by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s offices and business units over the course of the year, including: