Wisconsin Health News

City of Milwaukee Health Department Community Health Survey Underway

Anonymous phone survey being conducted to document community health needs

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MILWAUKEE – More than 1,000 Milwaukee residents may soon be contacted to participate in an important phone survey assessing the health of the community. Sponsored every three years by the City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) and local health systems, the community health survey gathers information on the health-related behaviors from anonymous, randomly selected residents. The responses, along with local and state public health data, will contribute to the MHD’s Community Health Assessment and will guide a Community Health Improvement Plan.

“It is essential that we document and understand our community’s health needs,” said Commissioner of Health Bevan K. Baker. “This survey will provide valuable data to inform our work as a local health department and the work of all our community partners. I encourage Milwaukee residents to answer the call if they are selected.”

The anonymous phone survey takes approximately 18 minutes, and will be conducted by Management Decisions, an independent research firm. The survey focuses on issues such as access to health care, tobacco and alcohol use, diet, physical activity, cancer prevention, heart health, injury prevention, immunizations, communicable diseases, mental health and chronic disease.

Similar surveys are being conducted simultaneously across all 12 local health departments in Milwaukee County, with support from the health system members of the Milwaukee Health Care Partnership: Aurora Health Care, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Columbia St. Mary’s, Froedtert Health, and Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare.

The findings will be compared to a 2012 community health survey in order to analyze health trends. The survey will also help document the community’s health status related to the health priorities established by the State health plan, identify local health behaviors or risk factors that present opportunities for health promotion and health care cost reduction, and track the success of community health improvement activities.

The previous Milwaukee community health report can be found at www.milwaukee.gov/health

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