Wisconsin Health News

New healthcare data company launches website

Physician Compass serves providers by reporting quality data to CMS, supporting clinical improvements

June 16, 2015, Madison, Wis. — Physician Compass, a health care data reporting company, is pleased to announce the launch of its new, provider-friendly website.

With the growing demand for health care providers and medical groups to report quality metrics and use them to drive improvements in patient care, Physician Compass was launched earlier this year to help clinical teams meet new expectations. Physician Compass serves provider groups of all sizes, from individual physicians to large practices.

The company offers products that allow providers and medical groups to meet requirements for the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) established by federal law, as well as custom solutions for practices and groups who are already adept in quality reporting and seeking reporting options that support improvement. Those improvements provide for better patient care and allow providers to secure value-based payments.

Physician Compass was founded by the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality and the Wisconsin Hospital Association, both of whom were early leaders in health care quality reporting.

“Our new website is easy to navigate, and will help providers understand their options as they look to comply with new PQRS reporting requirements,” said Chris Kleine, Physician Compass product director. “The site allows providers who are new at this, and those who are more experienced, to explore, ask questions and consider what will work best for them.”

The site is particularly helpful for providers who have not yet selected a reporting partner but who need to meet the June 30, 2015 declaration deadline set by

“It’s important for organizations to understand the deadline to declare is fast-approaching,” said Kleine. “We’re ready to answer questions and help provide direction.”


Providers interested in learning more can contact Chris Kleine, product director, at ckleine@physiciancompass.org, or visit physiciancompass.org.

Founded by the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality and the Wisconsin Hospital Association, Physician Compass guides providers through submission of health care data, helping them easily navigate complex requirements, take advantage of value-based payment incentives, and leverage data for ongoing improvements.

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