Wisconsin Health News

  WDA recognizes 11 for contributions to dentistry, public oral health

Milwaukee general dentist Dr. John Moser receives lifetime achievement honor
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WEST ALLIS, WIS., Nov. 8, 2017 – Dr. John R. Moser, a general dentist who lives and practices in Milwaukee, is the 2017 Wisconsin Dental Association Lifetime Achievement Award recipient in recognition of his significant contributions of time, energy and expertise to organized dentistry throughout his 36-year career.Moser was among 11 individuals presented with aPyramid of Pride Award by the 3,000-member statewide professional dental organization on Nov. 3 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center in Stevens Point, Wis.

A WDA member for 36 years and the state association’s treasurer since 2007, Moser has shown a continued commitment to the dental profession, mentorship and his practice. His involvement in organized dentistry began as a delegate to the WDA House of Delegates. He then became active on several committees, including Legislative Advocacy and Credentials.

Moser has also served as an alternate and delegate to the American Dental Association House of Delegates and as a legislative team action coordinator for the past 13 years.

Locally, Moser has been active with the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association on multiple committees and was GMDA president from 2001-2002.

He was awarded an ADA Golden Apple Award for Outstanding Leadership through Mentoring in 2001, aPierre Fauchard Academy State Award for Activities in Mentorship in 2002 and WDA POP awards for Outstanding Leadership in Mentoring in 2001 and Political Action in 2002.

Marquette University School of Dentistry graduate, Moser is a fellow of the American College of Dentists,International College of Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard Academy.

Dr. Anthony Sciascia, a general dentist in Altoona, is this year’s WDA Foundation Philanthropic Award recipient. He has been a member of the WDA Foundation board of directors since 1992 and served as president for three years. He was instrumental in establishing the foundation’s Legacy Society.

This year’s Community Outreach Award goes to retired general dentist Dr. Mark Brieman of Mayville. Brieman has provided significant volunteer services and support since 1999 to Church Health Services in Beaver Dam, a nonprofit clinic that serves the poor, uninsured and underinsured by offering medical, dental and mental health care.

Dr. Christopher Johnson, a general dentist from Eau Claire, received this year’s Media Relations Award for always making time for media interview requests despite a busy patient schedule. Johnson is a dedicated volunteer, representing the Northwest Region on the WDA Board of Trustees and serving on various committees and task forces.

Dr. Colleen Greene of Milwaukee is one of this year’s New Dentist Leadership Award recipients. A pediatric dentist and faculty member at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Greene represents her 9th District Wisconsin and Michigan colleagues on the ADA’s New Dentist Committee. She also serves on the WDA Legislative Advocacy and Membership Development committees and is active in the WDA-MUSOD-PFA Mentor Program.

Another 2017 New Dentist Leadership Award recipient isDr. Andrew Welles. He is a general dentist who practices in Madison. Welles is currently vice chair of the WDA Legislative Advocacy Committee and participates in the WDA-MUSOD-PFA Mentor Program. He is secretary of the Greater Dane Dental Society and is on the component’s Continuing Education Committee. Welles also represents his GDDS colleagues in the WDA House of Delegates.

Dr. Ruba Khader, an associate professor in the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin in Wauwatosa is this year’s Outstanding Leadership in Mentoring Award recipient. Khader is also director of the medical college’s Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program and a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.

The WDA recognized two members with 2017 Political Action Awards — Dr. Jeffrey Moos, a general dentist inMondovi, and Dr. Steven Stoll, a retired dentist andMenasha resident.

In addition to other WDA service and leadership contributions, Moos and Stoll were recently instrumental in helping the WDA work collaboratively with the Association of Dental Support Organizations to propose legislation that protects the public by making sure dental practice owners, regardless if they are dentists or not, are responsible for maintaining patient health records and producing those records upon request by the Dentistry Examining Board or the patient.

WDA Award of Honor recipients this year are Dr. Jeffrey Kraig, a general dentist who practices and resides inFond du Lac, and Mary Ellen Stanek, CFA of Elm Grove.

Kraig has been active on numerous WDA and Fond du Lac County Dental Society committees and task forces. He has held multiple leadership roles, including president of his local component, a Northeast Region trustee on the WDA board and president of the WDA Insurance and Services, Corp. board.

Stanek is managing director of Robert W. Baird & Co. and chief investment officer of Baird Advisors. The wife and mother of two WDA member dentists, she has been a volunteer adviser to the WDA Finance Committee since 2010.

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