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Month: August 2011

Recent changes weigh heavily on local hospitals' charity care numbers

Charity care declined by a third at Meriter Hospital and a fourth at UW Hospital over the past three years. At St. Mary's Hospital, it doubled. But the true picture of how much of each hospital's budget was spent on free, discounted or money-losing care for people with limited incomes may not be much different. An expansion of BadgerCare Plus, the economic downturn and changes in charity care policies have altered how some assistance is provided, hospital officials say. (WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, 8/1)

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Medical College CEO practices what he teaches

A practicing kidney doctor who still manages a research lab and is known for his collaborative style, John R. Raymond took the top job at the Medical College of Wisconsin in May 2010. The school's sixth president and chief executive talked about following in T. Michael Bolger's big footsteps, why he doesn't think he's spread too thin, and preliminary discussions about adding a rural medical school campus. (JOURNAL SENTINEL, 8/1)

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