DHS: More than 31 percent of Wisconsinites finish COVID-19 vaccine series 

DHS: More than 31 percent of Wisconsinites finish COVID-19 vaccine series 

More than 31 percent of the state’s population has completed their COVID-19 vaccine series.

Per state data, 42.1 percent of the state’s population, or 2,452,970 Wisconsinites, have received at least one dose of a vaccine, and 31.4 percent, or 1,834,240 Wisconsinites, have completed their vaccination series.

Wisconsin vaccinators administered 4,228,785 doses of COVID-19 vaccine through Sunday.

They gave 5,717 doses on Sunday, with a seven-day average of 42,267 daily shots.

The Department of Health Services reported 494 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday and 399 on Sunday, for a total of 594,682.

The state’s death toll is at 6,756 people. DHS reported 19 more deaths on Saturday and corrected the total on Sunday.

So far, 3,422,846 Wisconsinites have been tested. DHS considers 8,753 cases active.

The seven-day average for daily new cases is 603, down 17 from Saturday and down 132 from a week ago.

The seven-day average for daily new deaths is seven, the same as Saturday and up two from a week ago.

As of Saturday, the seven-day positivity rate by test was 3.1 percent, the same as Friday and down 0.4 percentage points from a week earlier, per preliminary data from DHS.

Per the Wisconsin Hospital Association, 350 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized on Sunday, up one from Saturday and 32 from a week ago.

There were 113 in intensive care units, down six from Saturday and up 22 from a week ago.


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