Evers modifies, approves response to western Wisconsin healthcare facility closures

Gov. Tony Evers on Wednesday signed into law a plan that would provide $15 million to support healthcare access in western Wisconsin due to the planned exit of Hospital Sisters Health System and Prevea Health from the region.
However, Evers used his veto pen to create additional flexibility for the funding by striking references to emergency department services so the measure can apply to other needs.
The governor also directed the Department of Health Services to submit a request to the Joint Finance Committee to release the dollars so it can begin a competitive grant application to offer the funding.
“This investment will go a long way in helping address the very real and pressing healthcare access concerns facing western Wisconsin,” Evers said in a statement. “It is critically important that we get this funding out the door to folks who need it.”
He vetoed a separate measure directing DHS to award grants to health systems that commit to providing hospital emergency department services in Chippewa and Eau Claire counties and agree to use the funds for capital expenditures.
This article first appeared in the Wisconsin Health News daily email newsletter. Sign up for your free trial here.