Cultivate by Standard Process announces chiropractic certification course, helping to shape a new corporate path for practitioners and the profession

Chiropractic practitioners nationwide can now pursue a new career path that will extend the reach of the chiropractic profession thanks to a new training course announced today by Cultivate by Standard Process.

The Cultivate Certified On-site Practitioner course is a weeklong program designed
to help doctors expand their practices into larger corporate environments, creating
greater opportunities for impact.

The program, based on best practices developed over a decade by several
chiropractic thought leaders, is intended to redefine chiropractic care by bringing
chiropractic care on-site to corporate environments as part of organization’s overall
wellness initiatives.

The Cultivate Certified On-site Practitioner course focuses on core areas of on-site
wellness best practices including nutrition, fitness, on-site safety and ergonomics,
and overall business acumen. Participants will learn a variety of skills to help
develop deeper business partnership, both inside and outside organizations. The
program will support the growing demand of companies looking for on-site,
chiropractic professionals who can deliver the Cultivate product offering.

Cultivate by Standard Process is the first company of its kind that incorporates an
on-site chiropractic professional as a part of an organization’s wellness offering.
This expert serves as the central resource to provide key elements of an effective
wellness program, including chiropractic care, fitness consulting, nutritional
guidance, and ongoing health education curricula.

“We’ve seen firsthand the impact that dedicated, trained chiropractors can have
being on-site as part of an organization’s overall wellness program,” said Jerry
Curtin, president/general manager of Cultivate by Standard Process. “The Cultivate
Certified On-site Practitioner program is intended to help expand the career options
for doctors looking to take their practice to the next level while also helping to
transform communities through wellness.”

The Cultivate Certified On-site Practitioner course includes five key curriculum
areas, including:

• Functioning within a corporate environment
• Legal requirements as a chiropractor and in-depth discussion on HIPAA
• Detailed review and applications of ergonomics in the workplace
• Nutritional guidance in today’s world
• Overall patient care guidelines.

“This course can be a game changer in the world of chiropractic,” said Dr. Bryan
Muth, medical services manager at Cultivate, who—prior to serving as the on-site
chiropractor at Standard Process—owned his own private practice in Florida for
several years. “We know what it takes to make a successful transition from private
practice to a corporate environment and how to help facilitate healthier and happier
employees inside organizations.”

The Cultivate On-site Certified Practitioner course is available for all licensed
chiropractors. The first session is slated for late summer, 2014. The company will
showcase this new offering at the 2014 Florida Chiropractic Association Show,
scheduled for August 21-24 in Orlando, Florida.

For more information on the program or Cultivate, visit


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