WHPRMS Welcomes Six Members to Board of Directors
The Wisconsin Healthcare Public Relations & Marketing Society (WHPRMS) is pleased to announce the addition of six members to its board of directors. While the start of 2015 introduces fresh talent to the board, it also means several long-standing board members’ terms have come to a close.
The following individuals represent the incoming board:
- Jody Miller Riendeau—Marketing Advisor, Rogers Behavioral Health System; President
- Peggy Weber-Kiefer—Account Supervisor, BVK; President Elect
- Mike Milligan—President, Legato Healthcare Marketing; Past President
- Meghan Massey—Account Supervisor, BVK; Education Co-Chair
- Rudy McCormick—Partner, Web Search Professionals; Membership Chair
- Rebecca Goplin—Product Marketing Manager, Influence Health; Communications Review Co-Chair
The following individuals represent the outgoing board:
- Lori Bruss—Executive Vice President, The Roberts Group; served six years in various positions: Communications Review Chair, President Elect, President and Past President
- Jody Spusta—Vice President, Client Strategy for Tea Leaves Health; served seven years as Education Chair
- Bridget Thomas—Client Strategist, Tea Leaves Health; served three years as Secretary, Communications Review Co-Chair and Chair
- Andrea Kusch—Publications Specialist, Medical College of Wisconsin; served two years as Membership Chair
- Andrea Billinghurst—Senior Marketing Coordinator, Unity Health Insurance; served two years as Education Chair
- Phyllis Guy—Marketing Specialist, Mercy Health System; served two years as Southeastern District Representative
“Our outgoing board has made tremendous contributions to our organization, and we are very remiss to see them go. We sincerely thank them for all of their efforts over the years and will truly miss them,” stated Jody Miller Riendeau, WHPRMS President. “We have pledged to uphold the mission for our membership by providing education, engagement and leadership opportunities to build upon their knowledge and further develop their careers in healthcare. WHPRMS is thrilled about the potential of the incoming board and we have several exciting initiatives planned for 2015.”
This changing of the guard brings the WHRPMS board member total to 15. The following individuals make up the existing board:
- Marisa Potter—Director, PREDICT Project Management, Influence Health; Treasurer
- Haley Gilman—Marketing and Community Relations Director, Divine Savior Healthcare; Education Chair
- Nicole Barreau—Marketing and Communications Specialist, UW Health; Communications Review Chair
- Matt Thompson—Public Relations and Communications Manager, Ministry Health Care – Northern Region; North Central District Representative
- Kathy Schultz—Senior Marketing Consultant, UW Health; Secretary
- Stacy Lenzen—Senior Communications Generalist, Hudson Hospital and Clinics; West District Representative
- Ryan Weckerly—President, MorningStar Media Group Ltd.; Social Media Director
- Chuck Moore—President, Ad Aids, Inc.; Sharing/Website Chair
- Mary Kay Grasmick, VP, Communications, Wisconsin Hospital Association; WHA Representative
The organization is currently recruiting for Southeast, Southwest and Northeast district representatives, so if you are employed in a healthcare marketing capacity in one of those areas and are interested in joining the organization, contact Jody Miller Riendeau at president@whprms.com
. WHPRMS is represented on the Council of Governmental Affairs of the Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) and is a chapter of the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD).
The Wisconsin Healthcare Public Relations & Marketing Society (WHPRMS) is a personal membership organization of the Wisconsin Hospital Association that equips its members with current knowledge and tools in healthcare marketing, public relations and business development. Since 1971, the organization has been enabling members to elevate their expertise and value for their personal and professional development. For more information, please visit www.whprms.org.