MetaStar to provide QPP assistance for small practices in Wisconsin
Seven-state coalition led by Altarum Institute is awarded funding for QPP-SURS
Madison, Wis – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded a contract to Altarum Institute and nine partners across seven states to provide education for individual and small group practices participating in the new Quality Payment Program (QPP), established by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). MetaStar represents Wisconsin in this seven-state coalition and will serve as the established resource for individual and small group practices (15 or fewer) in Wisconsin.
Individual and small group practices, particularly those in underserved and rural areas, serve a critical role in health care delivery. These practices have historically faced challenges adopting certified health information technology (HIT) and demonstrating improved care outcomes facilitated by its use.
MetaStar,in partnership with Altarum, will provide technical assistance, authorized and funded under MACRA, bringing direct support to thousands of Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians in small practices, including small practices in rural locations, health professional shortage areas, and medically underserved areas across the country. The direct technical assistance is available immediately, free to all MIPS eligible clinicians, and will deliver support for up to a five-year period.
MetaStar will provide customized technical assistance to MIPS eligible clinicians in Wisconsin as a part of the Small, Rural and Underserved Support (SURS) program, which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Conveying the MIPS expectations and timelines
- Explaining the MIPS feedback report
- Creating a MIPS-score improvement plan
- Evaluating practice readiness for joining an Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM)
- Assessing and optimizing Health Information Technology
- Supporting change management and strategic planning
- Developing and disseminating education and training materials
- Enabling peer-to-peer learning and local partnerships
MetaStar served as a Regional Extension Center (REC) for Wisconsin since 2010, successfully assisting more than 2,000 providers in Wisconsin on the path toward Meaningful Use. MetaStar continues to guide Wisconsin providers with the transition from Meaningful Use to QPP, in our role representing Wisconsin in the Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network (Lake Superior QIN). The Lake Superior QIN supports practices with more than 15 providers in the QPP who are not part of the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI).
CMS is using a multi-level outreach effort to help providers and practices become successful in the QPP. As a part of both the QPP-SURS program and the QIN program, MetaStar has become the established resource for Wisconsin providers in the QPP.
For more information on the Quality Payment Program, visit qpp.cms.gov or contact the Quality Payment Program by calling 1-866-288-8292 or emailingqpp@cms.hhs.gov.
About MetaStar
MetaStar, Inc. is a nonprofit organization with a vision of optimal health for all. MetaStar collaborates with health care payers and providers to effect positive change in the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care. MetaStar also offers consulting services to improve the quality of health care, specializing in the implementation and understanding of government and legislative initiatives. Learn more at www.metastar.com.