WHA concerned about Republican federal health reform bill

WHA concerned about Republican federal health reform bill

Wisconsin hospitals sent a letter to Gov. Scott Walker saying they have concerns about the Republican federal healthcare reform law bill and its impacts on Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Hospital Association CEO Eric Borgerding wrote in the letter Monday that the bill could “undermine the laudable coverage gains” achieved by Wisconsin in recent years, in part because tax credits would be based on age and not income.

The average tax credit in the state is about $4,000 a year, with some older individuals receiving a tax credit as high as $10,000, according to the letter.

The tax credits under the bill that would range from $2,000 to $4,000. An amendment introduced late Monday would establish a fund of $75 billion that would be used to assist those who were older.

The letter also said the association supports a proposal put forth by Republican governors from Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and Arkansas that would adjust federal funding for Medicaid in states that did not expand the program.

Walker’s office did not respond to a request for comment on the letter or answer whether or not the governor supports the amendment to the bill.

Walker has previously described the federal proposal as a “work in progress,” a stance reiterated by Department of Health Services Secretary Linda Seemeyer at a Wisconsin Health News event Tuesday.


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