Gundersen St. Joseph’s to break ground for new facility
Almost six months ahead of schedule, Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital and Clinics invites the community to a groundbreaking ceremony at the site of their new Hillsboro facility at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18.
“We were expecting to break ground in spring of 2019,” says Danni Gearhart, CEO, Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital and Clinics. “But the team has executed the planning phase to the letter, and we have hit our milestones on time, giving us the opportunity to look at what ground preparations we can complete in 2018 before the snow falls. Time is money, and we’re committed to making this project as cost-effective as possible.”
On Aug. 16, Gundersen St. Joseph’s Board of Directors approved the general contractor, CD Smith, to begin the process of mobilizing on the site, east of the current facility at 400 Water Ave. Crews are expected to be on the site in early October.
“Bring your friends, families and your shovels,” says Dan Howard, director of marketing and community relations at Gundersen St. Joseph’s. “This new facility has been designed with the community in mind. It’s yours, and we encourage everyone to come and be part of this historic event.”
An announcement regarding the capital campaign will also be made at the event.