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Author: Sean Kirkby

Office of Children’s Mental Health calls for action to address school violence 

Ramping up anti-bullying programs, promoting a positive school culture and building awareness of warning signs can help prevent school violence and support those who are struggling, according to a fact sheet released last week by the Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health on the impact of school shootings on youth mental health. 

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Medicaid premiums return for some after pandemic hiatus 

Premiums for some BadgerCare Plus children returned at the start of April, after being temporarily suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic. But children won’t lose coverage if their families don’t pay due to federal guidance released last year, the Department of Health Services said Wednesday. 

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Poll: Majority backs 15-week abortion ban 

A majority of registered voters in Wisconsin favor a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy with exceptions for sexual assault, incest and the life and health of the mother, according to a Marquette Law School Poll released Wednesday. 

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