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WHA Applauds Governor's Flexible Degree Program Announcement "Everyone benefits from a well-educated workforce"

A new competency-based online degree from the University of Wisconsin System and announced by Governor Walker this week will allow a new group of Wisconsin residents easier access to higher education and better employment opportunities that go with it.  The new program, being planned by UW Extension, will provide on-line instruction, but will also recognize knowledge and experience thru a competency assessment process.  The UW Flexible Degree will allow students to enter and leave the educational process on their own time frame rather than abiding by the traditional college course schedules.

“A well-educated workforce benefits everyone in Wisconsin,” according to Judy Warmuth, vice president of workforce at the Wisconsin Hospital Association.  “All employers, including health care, will benefit from a larger pool of educated workers.”

Warmuth said the new degree program is a great option for individuals that did not finish a degree in a health care field, and currently hold a job, but want to return to and complete a program.

For Wisconsin employers, this is a two-fold gain. Current health care workers who are already in a job and are great employees but want to move toward a better paying occupation can stay at work and gain the education needed for advancement. They could then move to a new job with the same employer to fill a vacant position.  But the degree option also means that there will be a more qualified pool of individuals from outside the organization applying for good-paying health care jobs.

“All Wisconsin employers will benefit from a workforce that has more options for education and job applicants that meet educational requirements,” said Warmuth. “And the state economy will profit from a better pool of educated workers for jobs in any industry.”





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