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Wisconsin hospitals continue to prepare staff to identify, isolate and provide initial treatment to suspected or confirmed cases of Ebola

Wisconsin hospitals continue to prepare staff to identify, isolate and provide initial treatment to suspected or confirmed cases of Ebola

WHA commends three health systems for stepping forward to provide appropriate care if case is confirmed

MADISON (October 28, 2014) — While the likelihood of an Ebola case in Wisconsin remains low, hospitals across the state are actively drilling, reviewing infection-related protocols and training on the newest standards for personal protective equipment to ensure they are prepared for the possibility of an Ebola case in Wisconsin. The safety of patients, health care workers and the community is at the forefront of all their planning and response efforts.

Today three health systems – Froedtert Health, UW Hospitals and Clinics, and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin—stepped forward to accept the critical role in providing treatment to Ebola patients, if the situation presents anywhere in the state.

“WHA commends these three exemplary health systems for assuming this important role and in ensuring that if Wisconsin has a confirmed case, the patient will receive the crucial care they need to fight this terrible disease,” said Wisconsin Hospital Association President Steve Brenton. “The designation of these three hospitals for treatment is just one piece of an overall, statewide coordinated strategy that will ensure that Wisconsin health care systems, state health department and federal agencies involved in the Ebola response are standing ready to serve the people of Wisconsin.”

The Wisconsin Hospital Association and its member hospitals and health systems are working closely with the Wisconsin Department of Health, Division of Public Health in following the Centers for Disease Control guidance concerning Ebola.

WHA is in frequent contact with the hospital preparedness staff at the Wisconsin Department of Health (DHS) and with Public Health Officer Karen McKeown to ensure that critical communications reach the administration and caregivers at Wisconsin hospitals so they are able to continue to advance and refine their Ebola preparedness efforts.

Individuals who are concerned about their own health should call their health care provider or call 1-844-684-1064, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Patients will be transferred to designated hospitals only after approval from DHS.


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