Disability Vote Coalition: Voting in the Time of Pandemic Training

Voters with disabilities are historically underrepresented at the ballot box and may experience barriers to participating in the electoral process. Elections in 2020 have created new challenges as many voters with disabilities have high vulnerability for COVID 19 and may be reluctant to vote at their polling place. Social distancing has also reduced opportunities to provide in person assistance with voter registration, requesting photo ID, and education about voter rights and resources.

To ensure that voters with disabilities and older adults have the opportunity to safely participate in the November 3rd election, the Disability Vote Coalition is offering virtual training for voters and for service providers. The trainings will highlight resources for service providers, educators, and voters to answer voting questions and help community members who have a disability and older adults make a plan to vote safely.

The following trainings will address how to vote safely during the pandemic and are available at no charge:

  • Voting in the Time of Pandemic Webinar: Part 3: Voting Updates for the November 3rd Election, September 16, 2020 at 11:30 AM This session will update service providers on the November election, and share guidance and new resources for supporting Wisconsinites with disabilities and older adults. Our panel of experts, including Wisconsin Elections Commission staff, will respond to your voting questions. Offered in partnership with iCare. Link to register
  • Voting in the Time of Pandemic Brown Bag, September 15th, 2020, noon – 1 PM. Hosted by Winnebago County Aging & Disability Resource Center. This session is to inform you of the barriers to voting for people with disabilities and older adults, and share strategies and resources to help you and people in your community overcome them. To register, call 1-877-886-2372 or email ADRC@co.winnebago.wi.us
  • Voting Training with People First Wisconsin, September 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM. Join us to celebrate National Voter Registration Day and make your plan to vote safely on November 3. Learn more about voter registration, absentee voting voter rights, and voter resources. Link to register.

For resources to support voters with disabilities, see the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition website at disabilityvote.org/.

For voting questions, contact the DRW Voter Hotline at 844-347-8683/ 844-DIS-VOTE or email info@disabilityvote.org.

About the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition

The WDVC is a non-partisan effort to help ensure full participation in the entire electoral process of voters with disabilities, including registering to vote, casting a vote, and accessing polling places. Members include people with disabilities, and representatives of community agencies including Access to Independence, Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired, NAMI Wisconsin, People First Wisconsin, Mental Health America of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Association of the Deaf, Disability Rights Wisconsin, Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, the Arc Wisconsin, IndependenceFirst and many others. The Coalition is coordinated by Disability Rights Wisconsin and Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities.


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